What to expect from me


<aside> 👊 I will do everything in my power to advocate for your success. I consider you my colleague and as such, have high expectations. That said, you are not expected to understand how all (or any) of this works. There is much to learn about graduate school, academia, and your own professional development. I expect you to make mistakes (I'll make plenty of my own too). And I expect you to learn and grow from them. As a colleague, I will have your back.


<aside> 👀 Supervision can look very different depending on your current needs. Some people just want space to do their work and to have someone to check in with when they have a question. Others benefit from a bit more structure and more frequent contact that might include weekly meetings to track progress and make plans. Whatever your style, I will do my best to accommodate it. What you need will likely change as you develop your professional identity and working style. Let's monitor your needs and adjust accordingly.


Timely feedback

<aside> ⏳ Giving feedback on your projects is one of my top priorities. I do not want to get in the way of you moving your work forward. Generally, I expect to be able to turn your work around within a few days. Please let me know if something is urgent and I will do what I can. Also, never hesitate to shoot me a Basecamp reminder if I have not gotten back to you within a few days. Sometimes it helps to have another prompt.


Open door policy

<aside> 😃 As you are working on projects throughout the day please check in if I can help you in any way. Message me in Basecamp to check if I am free and then let’s chat. I want to hear from you, and you will never be annoying me. I love to have brief calls with students to keep their work rolling along smoothly. It is on me to manage my time and if for some reason you are asking too much from me (unlikely), I will let you know.


Professional development

<aside> 🏋️ Ideally, work in the lab will train basic and more advanced scientific skills. In addition to your thesis and dissertation you will have opportunities to conduct and assist in other lab projects.


<aside> 💼 I want your lab experience to prepare you for your next steps in your career—internship, post-doc, job market, etc.


What is expected from all members of the lab

Be respectful

<aside> 🌈 Culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, beliefs — whatever our differences —the lab should be a safe place for all to learn and grow. Develop a practice of listening hard and fast and responding soft and slow. Diversity can and should meaningfully inform and strengthen the work we do.


Stop competing, start collaborating

<aside> 🤝 We can all lift one another and succeed together. At its best, academics is a team sport. Flex your strengths and let others fill in your weaknesses.


Be on time

<aside> 🕛 Everyone's time is valuable. Try your best to be on time to meetings and classes.


Be professional