
<aside> 🏔️ Project management, lab messaging, task assignments, calendar. Basecamp is where we keep track of everything related to lab projects and delegate tasks.


<aside> 💬 Bulk of lab-related communication. Use the message board for larger project topics. Use the campfire for more casual chat and ideas. Use private chats for direct communication with me and/or other people on the project.


<aside> 🙏 Preferred over email




<aside> 🌐 Home of the lab wiki that you are reading now. I think of this as our collective lab long-term memory. A place to organize tools and information that help members of the lab succeed. This is not a place to communicate in real time or to manage projects.


Microsoft Teams - Video Conferencing

<aside> 🗣 Use to directly communicate with me. Screen sharing is great for collaborating on projects.



<aside> 💩 Last resort. Use when necessary. Email is the worst. It is overly formal, bulky, and does not fit into workflows well (at least my own). Organizing communication by project (like in Basecamp) reduces the "now where did I put that attachment" and "I could've sworn someone mentioned this somewhere" problems that we so often run into with email.


<aside> 😫 I recommend not using your email as a second todo list. This splits your attention and contributes to a feeling that you might be forgetting something. Put the todo from the message in your task manager and then get rid of the email.


<aside> 😐 When Basecamp or direct communication is not an option, use traditional email. Forwarding messages from others, department communication, etc.



<aside> 🗄️ Microsoft OneDrive will be used to store project files. You can easily link to these files in Basecamp to keep things organized.
