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I will be reviewing applications to join the lab and the doctoral program at SIU to begin Fall 2025. Click the link below for more info about the program and how to apply. -Eric Lee
Clinical Psychology | Human and Behavioral Sciences Programs | SIU
“What core biopsychosocial processes should be targeted with this client given this goal in this situation, and how can they most efficiently and effectively be changed?” —Hoffman & Hayes (2019)
<aside> 😨 Improve treatment for OCD, anxiety, and related problems.
<aside> 🌈 Develop personalized, idiographic approaches to treatment.
<aside> 🧐 Understand processes of change. Why does this work and for whom?
<aside> 🌎 Increase access to care. Get effective treatment to people who need it.
The importance of stupidity in scientific research
Beyond ACT: process-based therapy
Alphabet soup - ERP, CT, and ACT for OCD
Psychology as idiographic science
Psychology’s replication crisis and clinical psychological science
The natural selection of bad science
Refining our research practices in clinical science - Challenges and steps towards solutions
Symptoms, not syndromes are the way forward
Why hypothesis testers should spend less time testing hypotheses
A network theory of mental disorders
An inhibitory learning approach
Here are some ways of making your study replicable